Credits and Research
This is the final segment in the How Far Away Is It video book. It covers the source material used for all the segments of the book. The opening section goes into the most important sources. These are sources students interested in learning more should visit. There is far more available than can be put into a 5 hour video book. The two books that guided this effort were Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen’s “Wonders of the Universe”, and George Abell’s “Exploration of the Universe”. The first is a great source for everyone. The second is for people who want to get serious about astronomy.
Here are the most important websites:
NASA/Hubble Website ESA/Hubble Website Chandra Website Spitzer Website
JPL / CalTech Goddard Space Flight Center European Space Agency ESO VLT Website
Hubble Legacy Archive James Web Space Telescope Herschel Space Observatory Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Georgia State University – Department of Physics